The Electronic Case Reporting (eCR) training e-learning course is an on demand, self-paced training module designed to provide participants with foundational knowledge of electronic case reporting (eCR) and how APHL Informatics Message Services (AIMS) and Reportable Conditions Knowledge Management System (RCKMS) support eCR. The eCR training course is intended for anyone from State, Tribal, Local, or Territorial public health agencies including programmatic subject matter experts and Epidemiologists not involved with eCR daily, Healthcare organizations, eCR vendors and other stakeholders wanting to get a better understanding of what happens after authoring in the RCKMS tool.
The eCR training has accompanying Quick Tip supplemental material and eCR summary video as desk references. The Quick Tips summarize the major learning points or outline the specific instructional how-to steps. CSTE, in collaboration with the CDC and APHL, developed the original content of the training course with assistance from J Michael Consulting.eCR 101 Training
By the end of the lesson, participants will be able to:
This training series was funded by CDC Cooperative Agreement No: 1 NU38OT000297-03-00. The contents of this training are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.